Thursday 14 October 2010

Beginning of my creations....

1) In this desgin i have used cut out cards on pva glue and also i did a colour transfer by cutting out crayons and ironing afterwards.

2) In this desgin i have used candle wax on pva glue

3)In this design i used tissue paper on pritt stick glue and later use a bleach to make the outline of the desgin which brough out a different rusty tone from the tisse paper.

4) Though it may look a thread line might be underneath the paper, but it's actually a print taken from the desgin itself. i used string of thread to form the shape and pva glue spread ontop.

1 comment:

  1. I really like these samples, thanks for posting the techniques you used along side the images. The tissue paper image works really well, it looks like a battle worn flag.


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