Wednesday 16 November 2011

Shadow Drawing Session 16/11/2011

In today’s session I looked at projecting the shadow of a figure on to a wall and using paper and materials of draw from this. I picked some leaves and flowers and took them in to the session and having tried a few ways of presenting what I had collected I found that simply having the figure holding the flowers was a good image when projected. I now have a few copies of the ‘flowers’ and the figure holding them which I will go on to work from and create more shadow drawings to continue this theme.

Projection on wall

Set up on projector minus background

Set up on projector with background

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Visual Research - Session 2

I created this sample by cutting one rectangle of packaging paper in to triangles and stripes (using all of the paper). I then placed the pieces down on the page in the same order but with small gaps. I went on to colour in certain sections of these pieces of paper. Having done this I used the lids from small tester pots of pastel coloured paints I have and printed the circles over the area, I filled in a few also. I feel that this sample worked well as the colours look good together and the mixture of shapes creates a pattern I can imagine continuing to use throughout my work.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Everything is Everything by Koki Tanaka

Everything is Everything by Koki Tanaka

Colour movement shape and form, it's all here in this movie of the mundane beauty of the everyday.

Why couldn't your colour story be represented in film?

Friday 18 March 2011

Colour Story Books - The Movie (silent)

Here are some more pages from colour story books for you to admire, to start we have Ilka Hoabarmann's wonderful collection of structures and paint effects that evolved into designs for handbags. Photography is also used to tell a story of Huddersfield through rainbow hues. Studies of shoes and flowers round things off. Other books have a more eclectic approach, vibrant and edgy. We have a sketchbook/box where the 4 sides of the box  are each a colour book in their own right and you will see some great interpretations of the colour quotes. 
Why not take a peek inside